CPPC Public Company Limited received “CP Project for Sustainability 2022” award in the Seedlings of Hope category from the social assistance projects “CPPC cares for patients in the community”

On December 6, 2022, CP Group held an award ceremony “CP Project for Sustainability 2022” to honor the executives and employees of the CP Group around the world who have jointly conducted the projects for the good deed. There are projects from the worldwide business group. A total of 122 projects have been awarded worldwide by Mr. Supachai Chearavanont, Chief Executive Officer for CP Group, who presided over the ceremony and presented the award at The Grand Hall, 3rd Floor, True Digital Park West Building.

In addition, the “CPPC cares for patients in the community” project from CPPC Public Company Limited, the packaging business group, received the “CP Project for Sustainability 2022” award in the seedlings of hope category.

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